Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Morning's at Seven

I have a confession.

I am a morning person. I am one of those happy and alert people who smile before 8am without coffee. (I know, it's utterly obnoxious.)

I once spent an incredibly boring vacation with two non-morning people. I would get up, at 8:30 (which is sleeping in for me) have breakfast, go see something near the hotel and then park myself in the lobby with a book until they woke up (noon). Then we would all have lunch. This is a way to really annoy your fellow-travellers, because not only are you alert and happy, but you've gone sight-seeing without them.

But now I'm being punished for all my morning smugness. Since moving to the far edge of the continent (California) I have to take part in international conference calls, that are always on Paris time. Today I had to get up at 5am to listen to a hour long presentation on safety procedures.

Safety Procedures are good. I am all for safety - but 5am is not morning. 5am is still night. Morning starts at 7. 6:30 if you stretch it. but 5 is too early, even for me. So I am yawning my way through the day, and hope to get through my workout without falling asleep on the treadmill (Which would be very unsafe, maybe I can say making me get up at 5am is inherently unsafe and they should reschedule the meeting for a more civilized hour, like 7.)

In other news, I have completed #96: Update my Career Networking Profile. This is essentially a resume, and I hate writing my resume. I find resume's painful to write (unlike rambling blog entries) and put them off as long as humanly possible. I've been meaning to update mine since 2003. I know, not the move of an upwardly mobile career-woman is it? But it is done, which means I don't have to do it again for at least a year! Yippee!

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